- Box of 50Special Price 75.00 USD Regular Price 95.00 USD
- Special Price 184.00 USD Regular Price 230.00 USD
- Special Price 422.00 USD Regular Price 670.00 USD
- 22% off
The origin of Davidoff Cigars is both incredibly fascinating and unique from the typical South American and Caribbean cigar companies. It all started with Zino Davidoff, born into a Jewish family in Ukraine still under control of the Russian Czar. His parents were successful tobacco merchants in Kiev, however due to political turmoil, his family was forced to emigrate to Switzerland in 1911. In 1912 they opened a new tobacco store, and Zino began touring the cultures and tobacco fields of South America to learn all he could about the tobacco trade.
With his new found knowledge and hard work, Zino was able to come into large amounts of Cuban tobacco during WWII, using it to build a world-renowned brand of cigars. By 1990, Davidoff moved operations to the Dominican Republic, just in time for the American cigar boom. This move granted Davidoff cigars access to the American market and further established Davidoff cigars as a pillar of quality amongst aficionados.
Through acquiring legacy brands like Camacho and Avo Syncro, Davidoff has firmly secured over one hundred 90+ cigar ratings and nearly twenty Top 25 Cigar of the Year awards. Davidoff chooses only the finest Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos to blend their notoriously rich cigars. Quality is never a question when it comes to Davidoff cigars, get yours today!